You Don't Know Their Story. What You Will See is God's Glory.


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1

Let me tell you about a man, a woman, a child, this could be you, we don't know.  

You don't know their story but what you will see is God's glory.

Let me tell you about the pain, the hurt, the abuse they received from someone they knew, a family member, a friend, maybe even you.

You don't know their story, what you will see is God's glory.

Let me tell you about a man whom you may have heard of who
Fed five thousand people, some who were children, with five loaves of bread and two fish.
Remember the person who saw you and asked you for money to get something to eat saying: "can you help me please?"

You don't know their story, what you will see is God's glory.

You don't know who God will use to bless you.
You don't know how God will use your story of what you went through but what you will see is God's glory.

Let me tell you about the heart God gave you to care, to love, to feed, to clothe, to pray for someone in need. This could have been you or this could have been me, this could have been a family member, even a friend or a complete stranger.

You don't know their story, what you will see is God's glory.

God's glory in providing a home, providing food and clothing, taking away the hurt, the pain of past abuse.  You will hear a new story, the story of what God has done, for the word of God says in Romans chapter 8:28 which I will end with  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

You don't even know my story, but others who do have seen God's glory. Thank you Lord for the words and verse to this poem to bless others.

You don't know their story, what you will see is God's glory.

Amen and Amen

Selma "Peaches" Harrell
Image Courtesy of this article.


  1. What a beautiful and insightful poem. I hope it inspires us all to be more thoughtful of others.💗

  2. Whewwwwwww Jesussssss 👌👌👌 (snap 3 times for the Trinity) 🙌🤯👏😭❤️ What a beautiful poem that fits so many of our lives story. Our story is for his glory. Look for the glory 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨. Thank you Lord for gifting Ma Peaches hands through poetry and art. Speaks profoundly to my spirit and turns to gratitude to God. #IAmGrateful

  3. Beautiful Ma Peaches....just beautiful, from God's heart to ours. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you all for your reply. Thank God for how he's using me and I Thank him. 🙏❤

  4. Reply from me Selma(Peaches)Jarrekl

  5. My apology. Harrell not Jarrekl.

  6. Amazing poem! I love it and glad to see God using your talents to bless the world. Keep writing and inspiring others.

  7. Beautiful poem. First of all it is God who has allowed us to have a story, and secondly, God gets glory out of our story when we share it to be a blessing to others. There is always someone who is living our story or who has lived our story and have allowed the enemy (Satan) to bound them with their story. When they hear that someone else have that same story, and are no longer bound by it because they gave their story over to God, and He released the chains and set them free, it inspires and empowers others to do the same. He is a God of no respective persons. If He did it for me, He will do it for you. Share your story as you are led by the Holy Spirit and be a blessing to someone and/or let someone be a blessing to you. God Bless and may God be glorified. Amen.

  8. Sorry I didn't identify myself above. Response by Wanda Banks

  9. Thanks for sharing your beautiful poem! Delphine


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