Bible Character Spotlight: Jesus Part 2
Jesus was the subject of the previous blog entry, but that entry focused more on what and who Jesus is and what he means for Christians. Understanding that is important, but as mentioned in the previous entry, Jesus was a real human being that lived in and interacted with the world the same as any other person. He lived a life complete with goals, objectives, and purpose. As Christians, we look to the Bible for dogma as we should since the Bible is our blueprint for how to live a righteous life. Jesus’ teachings are very important for that purpose, and it clearly was always part of God’s plan for Jesus’ teachings to resonate with us now thousands of years after his death. Still, it’s important to remember that we weren’t the original recipients of those teachings. For us, Jesus is a godly figure whose impact has proven timeless, but when he lived on the Earth, he was not perceived that way. When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philipp...