
Showing posts from December, 2022

We Need a Savior

                                    It’s Christmas time again. Christmas is a holiday celebrated by both religious and nonreligious people. The Christmas season is supposed to be a time of joy, love, and generosity, all of which are undoubtedly good things. Still, as we Christians like to say: Jesus is the reason for the season. He’s what it’s all about. Sending Jesus to earth was God’s greatest display of love, generosity, and mercy, and our joy during this season should come from our reflection over what Jesus’ birth means for us. He wasn’t just a very special person. He was and is our savior. You’ll probably hear that sentiment a lot. “Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of our savior.” What does that really mean though? We say it. Many of us believe it, but do we really comprehend what it means? We live in a time where the movie theaters are ruled by superhero movies - stories...

Christianity and the LGBT Community Part 2

                            The previous blog entry addressed the first three letters in LGBT. This entry will discuss the remaining letter, the T, which stands for transgender. Transgenederism and transgendered people are perhaps one of if not the most controversial topics in our world today. For many people, it is also probably one of the most confusing topics out there. Understanding what it means to be transgenedered is something with which most people have great difficulty. Sometimes, it even seems like many people who identify as transgendered cannot clearly explain exactly what it means. As a result, some people believe transgendered people are just confused or mentally ill. Others don’t believe transgendered people exist at all. To them transgendered people are just playing games in an effort to turn society on its head or hiding even more sinister intentions. It would be nice if we could point to som...

Christianity and the LGBT Community Part 1

                         This blog has addressed some controversial topics in the past and also focused on how Christians address or fail to address those topics. The LGBT community is a topic that this blog hasn’t addressed much despite it having been a hotbed issue in the nation and world for quite a while. With yet another recent act of violence perpetrated against people from that community, it is a suitable time to address the topic. For this discussion, we will need to split the community up somewhat. This entry will focus on the L, G, and B, which refer to lesbian, gay, and bisexual respectively. All three of these concepts are problematic from a Christian standpoint because each involves same sex couplings. There’s really no ambiguity when it comes to how God feels about the subject. “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be...