Sermon Series Wrap-Up: You BElong Part 2
As stated in the previous entry, a sense of belonging is important to most people in today’s world, and it is particularly important that the church be able to instill a sense of belonging in the people that visit it. For this reason, Pastor Pope and the other ministers at United have continued delivering sermons that tackle the issue of belonging. A few of the Sermons use acronyms and acrostics to illustrate concepts that feed into the concept of belonging. For example, Pastor Pope introduced BRAVING, which breaks down into B oundaries R eliability A ccountability V ault I ntegrity N on-judging G race Each of these concepts feeds into belonging in that all address things that must be in place or must be demonstrated by the members of a group for each of the members to feel like they can trust each other. Pastor Pope defined trust as being the willingness to take something that is sacred or important to oneself and make it vulnerable to the actions of someone else. Trust is vital f...