Something to Believe In

The world has a belief problem. It’s not so much that people don’t believe in anything. Everyone alive has beliefs of some sort. The problem is more that people have a problem knowing what to believe. In the past few years, we’ve seen examples of world leaders lying, scientists fudging data, and even religious leaders misrepresenting doctrine. When authorities cannot be trusted, the world finds itself plunged in turmoil. People won’t trust the instructions on how to handle a pandemic or even if the pandemic exists. People won’t accept that the actions of the masses could be affecting our climate and environment. Some people won’t even accept the truth about the planet on which we live. Yes, flat earthers exist. Maybe some might find this lack of belief in our world to be something to laugh at or mock, but the truth is that it can be dangerous. The constant questioning of the existence and severity of the pandemic has made it difficult to overcome. The dismissal of man...